外資コンサルの英語面接を乗り切る! 想定問答集&「逃げる」英語表現~【3日でできる!】“スパルタ”式「英語面接」対策講座(3)
末尾には、 「頭が真っ白になったときに使える《逃げる英語表現》」 も盛り込んでいますので、参考にしてくださいね。
文法書? 単語帳? 遠回りせずとにかく「声に出す」
しかも、見ていただいてわかるように、 「声に出す」ということがとにかく大切 なのです。
声に出すことが大切だとか、繰り返すことが重要だという詳しい説明は連載初回の記事を見ていただければわかると思いますが、簡単に言うと 「覚えてないことは絶対に話せない・声に出せないことは絶対に話せない」 ということです。
当たり前のように見えて、「英語を勉強するぞ〜!」となると、みなさん文法書を買ってみたり、昔やった単語帳を引っ張り出してきてみたりと 目標に対して遠回りされる方がとても多い のです。
これは、全体的にいわゆる《外資系》に共通のものかと思いますが、面接回数が多かったり、少数精鋭の採用であったり、そして 《しっかりと自分を面接で出せているか》 というところが重要だったりします。
つまり、 《自分をしっかりと出している状態》で仕事をしている のですね。 緊張感なく意見が言える環境でないと、ロジカルシンキングや創造性を発揮することはできません。この習慣が面接でも重要に なります。
Q. What made you interested in the consulting industry?
A. I’ve always been interested in the consulting industry, but I became completely intrigued by the industry during my MBA course. During that time one of the projects that I had to do with my team was to go into a rural city and help a company that was struggling to become a successful and sustainable company.
The project was not only to help the company short-term but also to help them long-term. In order to do that we had to first re-establish their vision then we had to size the market, set short-term and long-term goals while making sure that even after we left they would be able to continue to incorporate the changes we introduced.
Through this project, I gained a passion for consulting and decided to join a global consulting company to understand the bigger picture of how the big players of the industries work.
Q. How would you make our company more profitable?
A. I believe the company has been profitable within a highly competitive space and the future looks prosperous, but I believe by primarily focusing on products and services that are delivering the most revenue and highest margins it can become even more profitable. By gradually reducing the products and services with the lowest margins and revenues, you can achieve even greater heights.
Q. Why do companies need consultants?
A. Any company is able to benefit through working with a talented consultant. There are two reasons for this. First, hiring a consultant can be cost-effective. Second, a consultant can assist organizations to distinguish issues and to pinpoint inefficiencies they were perhaps missing. A talented outside perspective can provide solutions that improve the overall performance and drive growth which could not be seen from within the organization.
Q. How would you adapt to a company's culture when working on a project?
A. Each company has its own individual culture and value. Therefore, before I begin a project with a company, I would do as much research as possible to understand its culture. From there, I would think about what I can do to adapt my process, communication, and behavior appropriately. I would also talk with supervisors and employees to try to grasp a better understanding. In order to help the business move forward in a positive way, I will work on building relationships on honesty and transparency.
最後に、過去の連載記事を読んでいただいたユーザーの皆様から、 「英語面接で頭が真っ白になったときに使える英語フレーズが欲しい」 というお声があったので、それにお答えする形でセンテンスをご紹介しますので、ご参考ください。
・I do not completely understand the question, would you mind explaining the questions in more detail.
・I apologize but would you mind if I start over.
・I’m a bit nervous and I seemed to have lost track of what I have been saying, would you mind repeating the question again.
・I seemed to have gotten a bit off track, however to sum up…
・That’s a very interesting question – let me think about the best way to answer this for you.
・Well, there are a couple of good ones I can talk about, but I think the one that is the most relevant is…
・I’ve never been asked that question before; I need a minute to think about it.
・I am wondering if you can just clarify what you mean by…
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