About Point72
1992創業のヘッジファンド会社、SAC キャピタル・アドバイザーズを前身とし、現在の運用資産額は161億ドルを超えます。米国コネティカット州スタンフォードを本拠とし、ニューヨーク、ロンドン、香港、東京、シンガポール、パリ、シドニー、パロ・アルトと世界8か所にオフィスを有します。グローバルで1,500人超の従業員が在籍しており、ヘッジファンドとしては規模も大きいとされ、歴史も長い会社です。従業員の内、約半数は実際に投資に関わるポートフォリオ・マネージャー (PM) やリサーチ・アナリスト (Analyst) のような投資プロフェショナル (Investment Professionals) です。
Point72のグループ全体としては、他にクオンツ運用やAI運用、ベンチャーキャピタルへの出資もしています。また社会貢献も大切にしており、毎年Community Mattersと呼ばれるプログラムを通じて、社員の地域に根ざした社会貢献活動を支援しています。
Point72 is a global asset management firm led by Steve Cohen that invests in multiple asset classes and strategies worldwide. Founded in 1992, our firm manages more than $32 billion (USD) in assets and has more than 2800 employees worldwide. Point72 is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, and has 17 offices across the U.S., Europe, Middle East, and Asia Pacific.
Our Japan business is an important part of the firm and we are committed to being here for the long-term. We opened our Tokyo office in 2011, following the opening of our Hong Kong (2006) and Singapore (2009) offices. We’ve since expanded to Sydney (2018) and Taipei (2019).
In Tokyo, we have around 50 employees and are actively hiring new investment professionals with all levels of experience, including recent university graduates interested in learning how to become analysts in our long/short equity business. Long/short equity investment professionals in Japan mainly specialize in Japanese equities and Japanese companies listed on domestic and foreign stock exchanges.
We are always looking for opportunities to grow and bring new expertise to our firm as we continue to expand across geographies, strategies, and asset classes in pursuit of durable, diversified returns. We give our people the resources to build expertise, break new ground in their fields, and develop as professionals so they can forge enduring careers and remain at the forefront of our industry. We promote inclusivity in our workplace, diversity in our hiring, and employee giving, to foster a community that celebrates thinking differently.
Build Your Career at Point72
Point72が専門とする運用戦略はファンダメンタルズまたはボトムアップと呼ばれ、企業分析に重点をおく戦略です。日本で従事する Investment Professionals (IP) は、主に日本株を専門とし、国内外の証券取引所に上場している日本企業を中心に投資しています。
優秀なAnalystが将来PMになるためキャリアパスも、Point72では提供しています。日本よりも歴史が長い海外のオフィスでは、在籍しているPMの約半数以上が、社内でAnalystからPMに昇進し活躍しています。日本においても、現在在籍するPMの中には、実際にこのキャリアパスを経て社内でAnalystからPMに昇進した者が複数います。今後も、”Home-grown PMs” - つまり社内でAnalystから昇進したPM - の割合をさらに増やしていきたいと考えています。
Whether you’re an undergraduate, early-career professional, or subject-matter expert looking to apply your skills to our industry, we have training programs designed to position you for a future in investing. In the Point72 Academy and as an investment analyst at our firm, you’ll benefit from years of curriculum development, feedback from analysts and portfolio managers, and a network of alumni across our firm. There is no better place to begin an analyst career.
Point72 Academy
「Point72 アカデミー」とは、Analyst採用の新卒社員が必ず受講する約10か月間の研修プログラムです。各国で採用された新入社員一同がまずはNYに集まり約半年間共に過ごしながら投資の基礎を学びます。その後、アジア各国の社員は香港などのオフィスにてもう半年弱、共に研修を受けます。この間、合計で2,500時間以上、投資に関して学ぶことになります。研修の内容は多岐にわたり、例えばフィナンシャルモデルの構築や精緻化、企業情報の収集、個別銘柄の投資分析、投資アイディアの提案方法などが挙げられます。アカデミーの参加者には手当が支払われます。アカデミーを卒業と同時に、正式にAnalystとして配属が決まります。
Our flagship 10-month investment analyst training program will help equip you for a career as a long/short equity investor. The program focuses on the fundamentals of finance, research, and market behavior while giving you insights into specific sectors and access to some of the industry’s most accomplished investors.
Academy Associates from each country first gather in New York and spend six months together, learning the basics of investing in equities. After that, employees from the APAC region will receive specialized training based on the region they operate in. In total, you'll learn about investing over 2,500 hours during this time.
Participating in the Point72 Academy program will allow you to benefit from years of curriculum development, feedback from analysts and portfolio managers, and a network of alumni across the firm. As an Academy investment analyst, you will learn to understand what drives stock prices, how to predict changes before they happen, and see your results in real time. The content of the training is wide-ranging, and includes the construction and refinement of financial models, collection of corporate information, investment analysis of individual stocks, and methods of proposing investment ideas.
After successfully graduating from the Point72 Academy full-time program, you’ll earn the opportunity to join a long/short equity investing team and an internal network of Point72 Academy alums spread across ten offices and three continents. As an analyst, you’ll have opportunities to continue to grow as you learn from your PM, senior leadership, and dedicated skill development programs.